👋 welcome to fixxo blog

This is a historical first post on our blog, which will be a companion to fixxo, the only budgeting-free tool with a mission to help you become more confident about your costs. Budgeting-free? Yes, no need to count each peanut, because you are not a robot.

fixxo helps you identify your monthly fixed costs and get an overview you did not even know you need.

💪 We are working as fast as we can to get to v1.0, so make sure you leave your email to get onboarded as soon as we are ready.

We have already scheduled some posts and this is the rough plan:

☑️ What are fixed costs? (already online, clickclick 🙏)
🔲 Why are we building fixxo?
🔲 Why is knowing your fixed costs important?
🔲 Why does no budgeting app really work?
🔲 Simple steps to reduce your fixed cost by 5-10%
🔲 and similar

🎉 We would be happy if you like our FB page as well.

fixxo blog