3 reasons why even the best budgeting apps don’t work


You probably tried one of the many budgeting apps or at least tracked your expenses in Excel? Why do we almost always stop? 🤔 It is because detailed budgeting adds no real value to our lives. The quality of the apps has nothing to do with it. In fact, some are excellent with top design …

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what are fixed costs in personal finance?


Usually fixed costs are thrown in the same bucket with variable ones and this has… hmm, improvement potential. Could we split them better? Maybe like businesses do (sometimes they also don’t 😂): Total Costs = Fixed costs + Variable costs. But what is the difference? It is easy: variable costs change much and fixed don’t. …

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👋 welcome to fixxo blog

fixxo blog

This is a historical first post on our blog, which will be a companion to fixxo, the only budgeting-free tool with a mission to help you become more confident about your costs. Budgeting-free? Yes, no need to count each peanut, because you are not a robot. fixxo helps you identify your monthly fixed costs and …

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